Answers to your Frequently Asked Questions ("FAQs") are posted on this page. To ask a question, please use our automated form. FAQs will be posted every Wednesday. FAQs will be posted daily during the week prior to the deadline for submitting Pricing Proposals and Qualification Materials.”

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  • FAQ-229:
    I would like to receive information as to the size of the projects for the bids that were rejected and/or awarded in the "large segment" solicitation. As this was the first time systems 500kw-2MW were allowed to participate, it is important to know how the inclusion of these systems affected other system size bids.

    Once the Board renders a decision on the results, in accordance with the Stipulation approved by the Board, the Solicitation Manager prepares the following information for public release:

    *       total number and total MW of Projects that submitted Proposals;

    *       total number and total MW of Projects that received awards;

    *       total number and total MW of Projects that were rejected; and

    *       the low and average prices of the accepted Projects.

    When possible this information is provided for each segment, namely for project of 50 kW or below , and for projects larger than 50 kW.  These information releases are available on the Announcement page of our Web site.

    There is no provision at this time for release of information specific to Projects in the 500 kW to 2 MW size range.  However, the Solicitation Manager will communicate your request to the parties for consideration in future solicitations.

    06/08/2011 in General

  • FAQ-228:
    We are working with a company who is going to pay for the system and be the owner. Can you confirm that there is no owner cap similar to the developer cap.

    There are no Owner caps under the Program. However, there is a Developer cap. Please note that for Proposals in the ACE and JCP&L territories, the Solicitation Manager will apply the developer cap to each Developer, whether or not it is the Developer that submits the Proposal under the Program. It is a requirement of the Program that the Developer, as well as the Developer's majority owner and ultimate parent, be named in the Proposal. The Solicitation Manager applies the developer cap so that the combined awards across all solicitations in a given RPS Reporting Year for the EDC (ACE or JCP&L) that are associated with any one Developer, or any combination of affiliated Developers under the same majority ownership, do not exceed 20% of the planned quantity for that EDC in that RPS Reporting Year by more than the larger of:(a) 150 kW; or (b) if the Program is undersubscribed in the prior Reporting Year, 30% of the system size of the last accepted Proposal associated with that Developer (or any combination of affiliated Developers under the same majority ownership).

    06/02/2011 in Requirements for Proposals

  • FAQ-227:
    Please provide details regarding how we can make changes the size of the Project after we have received an award and the constructed size is different from the size initially provided in our proposal under the SREC Based Financing Program.

    Please see Paragraph 5.2.12 of the RFP Rules that provide the details of changes in Project size. These details, many of which you quote in your question, are as follows.

    After execution of the SREC Purchase and Sale Agreement ("SREC PSA"), the Owner may request that the EDC approve a modification in the size (kW) of the actual constructed Project (compared to the size provided in the Proposal) of up to 10%. The EDC will approve such a modification provided that the Project continues to satisfy all other requirements related to this Program and that this modification: (a) does not change the segment to which the Project belongs; (b) does not cause the Developer Cap to be exceeded; and (c) does not cause the Project to exceed 2 MW.

    Such a request would be made in writing by the Owner and signatory to the SREC Purchase and Sale Agreement ("SREC PSA") directly to the EDC (ACE, JCP&L, or RECO) that is the counterparty to the SREC PSA. Upon an Owner receiving an award by the Board, the Solicitation Manager provides to the Owner contact information for the EDC. The Owner may make the written request to the contact provided.

    06/02/2011 in Requirements for Proposals

  • FAQ-226:
    If we submit as the developer and owner of the project and have not settled on a financier, can we amend this upon receipt of the award?

    The Program does not require that you provide your financial arrangements as part of the Proposal for the Project.

    06/02/2011 in Requirements for Proposals

  • FAQ-225:
    Is Appendix C to the SREC PSA required as part of the Qualification Materials and can I request the Solicitation Manager assist me in preparing this document?

    Appendix C is required as part of the Qualification Materials if the Owner of the Project is not the same individual or entity as the Host. Please note that we have developed a user form that you may use to fill out Appendix C; just click "Yes"; when asked whether you would like to use this form. Further, if you are having difficulty preparing Appendix C, the Solicitation Manager will, at the Proponent's request, prepare Appendix C to the SREC PSA based on information submitted by the Proponent in its Project Proposal Summary Sheet as long as your request and information are submitted at NJSolar@nera.com by the deadline for submission of EOIs

    06/02/2011 in Requirements for Proposals

  • FAQ-224:
    If a customer is located in municipal utility territory that would otherwise by in JCP&L service territory, can the customer participate in the SREC-Based Financing Program as a JCP&L customer?

    One of the requirements of the Program is that the customer must be located in JCP&L's service territory and must be taking service under a JCP&L tariff. Unfortunately, Projects in the territory of a municipal utility cannot participate in the SREC-Based Financing Program.

    06/02/2011 in General

  • FAQ-223:
    Is this the last year of the SREC-Based Financing Program?

    The Program as approved by the Board is a three-year program and at this point is due to terminate after the December 2 solicitation. This is the last bid date for 2011 (the three bid dates for 2011 are June 10, September 2, and December 2).

    The Calendar on our Web site (http://www.njedcsolar.com/calendar.cfm) provides the key dates for the solicitation with Bids due on June 10, 2011. The Solicitation Manager has posted a calendar with tentative dates for the other two solicitations planned for 2011. Expressions of Interest for this upcoming round of bids are due June 6, 2011 while Bids and qualification materials are due June 10.

    06/02/2011 in General

  • FAQ-222:
    Should I include copies of the SRP or REIP acceptance letters as part of my qualification materials?

    Yes. A copy of the acceptance letter for the Project from the Office of Clean Energy or its designees under the Initial Application process of the SRP or the REIP is required as part of the Qualification Materials.

    06/02/2011 in Requirements for Proposals

  • FAQ-221:
    What plans are there for future actions with the volatility of the solar SREC market?

    The Board has approved the following three further Bid Dates for 2011: June 10, September 2, and December 2. The Calendar on our Web site (http://www.njedcsolar.com/calendar.cfm) provides the key dates for the solicitation with Bids due on June 10, 2011. The Solicitation Manager has posted a calendar with tentative dates for the other two solicitations planned for 2011. Expressions of Interest for this upcoming round of bids are due June 6, 2011 while Bids and qualification materials are due June 10.

    The Program as approved by the Board is a three-year program and at this point is due to terminate after the December 2 solicitation.

    06/02/2011 in General

  • FAQ-220:
    I would like to sell SRECs that were generated in the first three years of my project's operation for a single payment; can you do this?

    The SREC-Based Financing Program ("Program") is a program by which an Electric Distribution Company ("EDC"), namely ACE, JCP&L, or RECO, contracts to purchase solar Renewable Energy Certificates ("SRECs") from new solar projects. The EDCs do not purchase SRECs from customers who have existing projects that are operating and producing SRECs. A customer who applies to the Program must in fact commit not to interconnect the Project in advance of the Board decision on whether to make an award to the Project under the Program.

    06/02/2011 in General

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